To unfold the truth,about us and about the conflict, division and violence left in our wake, and to separate the wheat from the chaff, to reveal the conscious and unconscious origin of conflict, division and violence shared by all of us. To disprove the fallacy that truth has a trap door.
Welcome to Secrets of Conflict, Division and Violence Revealed
The Stumbling Block
We hope to search for the truth about us humans, and hope to amass enough evidence to prove, that no amount of laws, transparency, disclosure and legislation is sufficient to alter our destructive and corrupted behavior except temporarily. Our love of polarity empowers our self image and activates our 400 million year old reptilian brain! Our reasoning part of the brain, which enabled us to advance and create this material paradise, is of little use in taming our conflict, division and violence.
Witness the death of the "Social Contract", between nations and even next door neighbors," you don't bother me and I won't bother you"!, just doesn't work for reasons we will search out.
The following should convince sceptics, that our overall intelligence, is losing the most important characteristic, that all life forms except man, posess.
Every living creature has a built in need to survive, no matter what the threat to it is, it will do everything in it's power to avoid it's demise. Bacteria will eventually overcome an anti-biotic that once killed it. All living creatures will adapt, change to the best of their abilities when their survival is threatened, even though their cognitive {reasoning}, abilities are meagre compared to mans.
Man with the most complicated and highest functioning cognitive process, seems unable in most cases to avoid putting himself un-necessarily in the line of fire.
All this is due to the control the negative aspects of his psychological self has on his behaviour, cognition, reasoning and actions.
Lets call the interference - the stumbling block - the negative aspects of the "software of the mind", those things that prevent him exercising intelligently and creatively his will to survive.
They include but are not limited to the following.
His desperate need for identity and belonging, which is a double edged sword, when what you identify with or belong to has a destructive or negative narrative...Our need to be right in our own eyes, see Proverbs 21: 2...When we identify with a certain belief (one leaf) and it becomes, for most, something we would defend no matter what the cost...our love of scapegoating others when they do something wrong, but when we do the same we rationalize it...our strongest natural characteristic is mimemis, {imitation} whithout which we couldn't have created culture or even learned language, but imitation is again a double edged sword, depending on who or what we imitate...the tendency for close friends to desire the same object {mimetic desire} and if it cannot be shared we often become rivals, unleashing negative envy, jealousy and often ending in conflict, division and violence, often turning good friends into bitter enemies...our increasingly selfish greed...extreme ambition and competition...those who become extremely narcissistic and egoistic.
Most of the negative aspects of the above lead to conflict, division and violence and are an impediment to survival, which I put under the umbrella of the satanic constellation and which Jesus called scandalon in the Bible.
So it seems our own negative side of human nature our neg. psychology is taking us down the river without a paddle...
This is the basic contradiction that is preventing mankind from doing the right thing, and living in the garden of eden, and experiencing an overall joyous life. It's also preventing us from solving or even dealing with the real problems facing us. It's obvious that society as whole is unadjusted or worst, and unless we realize that we've been wrong about a lot of things, chaos, like violence, can only escalate to extremes.
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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Psychopathy and Crony Capitalism
Whether or not their is a God - my favorite description of a higher power or intelligence is the more descriptive indigenous word Creator - is beside the point in this period of Apocalyptic violence and Revelation ! somethings afoot...and our personal God is probably busy monitoring a never ending universe.
Is not the purpose of reason and thought to solve problems? The problem is to put the evidence into a logical framework and make it understandable, all the while, showing the weakness of reason - the intellectual part of the brain - and the strength and conditioning of the reptilian part of the brain in causing unnecessary conflict, division and violence. Because of personal reasons I chose the road less traveled, which is not without it's ghosties and ghoolies and things that go bump in the nite.
Please consider the following essay if you're so inclined, I claim no special status, only something constructive to do, a lot of words and direct and indirect evidence, in the never ending search for Truth, equality and fraternity... just another spark from the fire..."I'm old and the mirror don't lie"..I do have a grade 12 equivalency in bookkeeping, (before computers), which is a lot like our life experiences, the balance sheet, see how the elites balance their books at your expense! The interest you pay for a loan goes to their deposit account. They can show liabilities as assets, or assets as liabilities etc. The common man keeps the economy afloat.
This essay is subject to on going entries and editing, and may be a little unsettling in it's content, for some. But a work in progress none the less.
I saw the Red Fox last night, this time it was the female and her pup wandering around as though lost, she looked haggard, but her pup looked healthy, I think something has happened to the male over night. They say we shouldn't feed them, but a chicken now and then may bring the parents to their original robustness.
I have a small garden 6 feet by 10, almost every night when it's not too dry out, the dew worms come out, some are alone and others wrap around each others in two's, mating, if you reach down and touch one they both disappear into their tunnels in the fraction of a second. The one's that are alone are often easy to catch, being away from their escape routes.
Haven't seen any of the fox's yet today, or to night yet.
The York Region has hired a wildlife refuge organization to remove the fox's, apparently they have mange very bad, so far they've captured two kits and are searching for the male and female...
The worms were at it again last night. My tomatoes are to tall, what can I do, too much green.
Skunk came by the other night, left his fragrance behind.
The foxes have been absent, or unseen.
I dare you to comment, any response will be welcome, I'm a simple bookkeeper, trying to balance the books. Maybe it's true, that truth hurts. If I don't use words, or am far from the wild, I get the darkness!
I can tell you it's not very lucrative, in five years or so I have profited by 15$.
If a willow tree can emit an odor - warning other nearby trees - when it's being attacked by caterpillars, it seems natural for me to do the same, when it come's to warning about the cause of unnecessary conflict, division and violence. If you are Christian see Ezekiel 33 which if someone sees the sword come down he must warn the people, otherwise he will be held responsible for the damage done. See the book, "What a Plant Knows" by Daniel Chamovitz.
Whenever possible we will use paraphrasing besides quotes.
The Wisdom of Psychopaths
A book, "The Wisdom of Psychopaths" by Kevin Dutton takes a new twist on psychopath personalities, and actually infers that they do have important characteristics and uses, when it comes to surviving in the present unsettled and polarized state of the world. Which the same type as themselves had a major role in creating. In the book he separates serial killers and mass murderer's from less physically violent everyday psychopaths, The everyday working variety, are quite numerous in financial institutions, government, the armed forces, police and security officials, highly skilled doctors, narcissists and all the way through the military and industrial complex.
Of course not all those employed in the above, are psychopathic, but because of their success and cunning we tend to admire and to imitate them, adding to their power over the common man. Many who try to imitate psychopaths will end up not succeeding because there unable to act without empathy for others.
If your interested in corporate executive politics and just how corrupt they are, google "The Black Book of Executive Politics by "Z", "there be demons".
The book by Dutton, The Wisdom of Psychopaths is a very comprehensive and reasonably scientific look at the psychopathic personality and their effect on culture as a whole.
In an increasingly competitive environment and an maladjusted and polarized society, that believes for the most part in the more the better, in terms of personal affluence, power and private gain, being a psychopath would be an advantage. But for the rest of us, we gain resentment, captivity, slavery to needs and destruction of our surroundings, not to mention less and less health care, increases in mental illness, yada yada yada.
Obviously by now everyone knows the elites in society - including those mentioned above - control the purse strings, media, entertainment industry, governments, finances etc, and are busy as "Noam Chomsky" so brilliantly put it - through the media - "manufacturing our consent" and turning us into one of the worst kind of slavery, captive slaves of need.
To keep current most people will want the latest technology, fashion etc., advertised with a knowledge of - you might say - the weaknesses of human nature,to imitate others who seem so impressive.
The less violent Psychopathic personalities as Dutton states are drawn to the "seats of power, prestige" and will do their utmost to maintain their status. He's implying that many, if not most people who control the fortunes of others - most of those at the top - don't really care about such things as right and wrong, equality, dignity, integrity or the laws of remorse or the feelings and fortunes of others.
Apparently natural psychopathy is caused by an area in the emotional part of the brain, the amygdala, that is much smaller than in a normal brain, so in theory it could happen to anyone. And if the child is not nurtured and is abused, neglected emotionally, and fails to bond, he will likely go on to become an unrepentant serial killer or mass murderer.
The milder version will be drawn to any of the careers mentioned above, often succeeding in fooling those around them. Many are admired, likeable and have little or no fear, all are manipulative.
And when someone who does not share those psychopathic characteristics, say like Jimmy Carter, the elites will arrange to have him hounded out of office, or in Obama's case he will be converted to their will. The Kennedy brothers, who championed civil rights and equality were assassinated, as was John Lennon in the turbulent 60's, when he became a thorn in President Nixon's side. Not to mention Martin Luther King and Malcom X.
The US is now able to assassinate any American or non American, anywhere in the world through suspicion of terrorism,or any suspected anti-patriot act and who knows what. This tactic called preemptive strikes was initiated by The George Bush administration in Iraq and Afghanistan, and extends to individuals anywhere.
A famous Canadian entrepreneur said in one of his books that greed was a good thing - presumably he meant personal greed - and stated in Maclean's magazine that capitalism was the best financial system because it suited man's nature. As an idea Communism, and all the rest that I'm familiar with sound good, Communism promised equality and an equal share for all, but in practice our very human nature denies it's success. On another level - witness the present corrupted state of capitalism - he's inadvertently implying that certain aspects of human nature are responsible for capitalism's failure, but irrepressible because they are part of our human nature.
The truth may be that we haven't had time to adapt to our modern lifestyle, with it's many physical and psychological challenges. We've adapted with reason and creativity to the physical challenges, thanks to our 4 to 6 million old intellectual brain.
We can't seem to ease up or live creatively with our ICBM's, our ideas customs beliefs and myths that become a major part of our world view. Some ICBM's or parts of them are productive while others may not, creating a double edged sword.
I admire that Canadian entrepreneur's strength, self confidence and ability in handling the media and calm presence in moving through a room. He's obviously suffered through the scapegoating that he fell heir to, and has girded his loins and dealt with it honorably. It's been said that he reminds one of a silverback great ape, the leader of the pack, completely in charge.
At one time in the distant past - 4 to 6 million years ago - humans were much like the great apes of today, but we eventually through the gifts of evolution were given the reasoning part of our brain, which great apes have not yet attained. But reason although responsible for the accomplishments of technology, medicine and a million other gifts, no longer or maybe never will, still our restlessness created by certain negative characteristics of human psychology. The best example in the present is the social contract between nations and even next door neighbors; "you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone"! My reptilian brain 400 million years old, gives me a rush of adrenalin and makes me feel empowered and alive when let loose, reason - applied to our psychological needs - fails to provide the same stimulus. That's why political correctness - without which war of all against all would rule - works only temporarily. As long as we are led by those who serve the elites and psychopaths who rule us, capitalism and multiculturalism will continue to prove misguided and unworkable.
There's no doubt that in the last 200 years or so we grew too fast and in the last 50 or so years we shifted into information overdrive and haven't had time to adjust to it's new environments,demands, twists and turns with any great success.
Our modern way of living has just begun, compared to how we've lived for the past 400 million years, we are used to, for at least 4 million years living day to day, that might explain workaholics, and Capitalism's incessant need for the more, and need for expansion and growth until the earth has been exhausted. So perhaps if we gear down and funnel our overdrive into better serving our communities and greater self which embraces and surround us with a multiplicity of gifts and challenges, we will survive to see a better day.
Not to say that there are not those who seem to have better adapted than most of us, and who are satisfied with a modest income and a good job, although their numbers continue to decline,as our captors continue to ensure their dominance over us.
Too much excessive ambition and competition turns people into rivals, and the distinctions and differences between people is overwhelmed by the shared attitudes of jealousy, selfish greed and all the other negative aspects within the satanic constellation. When flooding occurs like what is happening world wide the distinctions in the landscape begin to disappear. Whether there is a god or not, mother earth is responding to our ill treatment of her, which may be partly a natural cycle, but certainly escalating by our hand. "Forgive them father for they know not what they do". But to retain our self image, ideas, customs, and beliefs - which don't exist anyway - we forget about reason for the most part.
This is not to say that a new type of capitalism wouldn't work, which is what I think the Canadian entrepreneur meant, when he said something has to be done, or words to that effect in his interview in Macleans magazine. I really don't think he fits in any way the description of a psychopathic personality. But like all of us, conditioned and biased by our own life experience, we continue to over protect, build and endorse, our fragile ego's and other aspects of our self image and what we are knowledgeable about. It's been said that most things are a double edged sword, and that truth is not a straight line but a spiral, subject to ever changing variables.
As it is practiced now, Capitalism attracts the psychopathic types,who are indifferent to our needs and encourages social unrest, gangsterism, banksterism, mental illness, the drug culture in low and high places, polarization, greedy selfishness, inequality, slavery etc. Not to mention the financial costs, and the feeling of hopelessness and resentment by the 90% who are it's captives.
The double edged sword effect, which applies to almost everything, no matter what we do, will always have various outcomes,some may prove beneficial others not so much,and still others, short or long term negative impacts.
Here's a paraphrase of what Leonard Cohen says in his song Old Ideas "In the higher rhelm there is only one, down here where we live there is two", referring to our love of polarity and duality, and our difficulty in maintaining amiable communication. We, each one of us feel ourselves as the center of the universe and that's as it should be, we are a center surrounded by our greater self.
He goes on to say "me on my side call the meek and the mild, you on your side call the word", meaning the Bible and the Christian Right's love of the God of vengeance of the Old Testament. And using the name Jesus, for it's power and authority not in any way following any of his percepts, nor are they interested in the golden rule, see the book, or google "The Family", by Jeff Sharlet pages 379 to 386 for this disclosure, Cohen goes on to say "I claim to be the champion of suffering; you on yours claim never to have been hurt"
This type of behavior and belief is of the anti-Christ, according to the codes of conduct of their ever present Bible. This kindergarten reading of the Bible proves Marshal McLuhan's adage that people are more impressed and susceptible to the medium than the message. The power of the Televangelist comes from his ability to overcome the message's importance and relevance with his appearance and charisma on television, the medium. Not unlike what was done in ancient times in Sparta, whoever spoke the loudest would win the argument.
Your lookin at a man who's getting kinda mad I've had a lot of luck and it's all been bad, everthings against me and its got me down if I fell in the river I would surely drown, no matter how you struggle and strive you'll never get out of this world alive, I'm not gonna worry wrinkles in my brow,cause nothins gonna be all right no how. thank you Hank Williams.
Well I'm back finally got my computer viruses extinguished for now.
Things have advanced on the psychopathic front, we have a new type of meany, a pro-social psychopath. still haven't decided how to approach the rogue elephant that is running rampant through our global village, he's destroying our world and believes in most cases that he's on a mission of God. I don't think we can afford the rich anymore, one guy has a boat that cost over 300 million dollars, or why would you have a gold toilet seat cover while thousands of children die of starvation and malnutrition every hour.
Yes the upper echelons of the rich are running amuck and destroying the world, just to feed their addiction to power and money. Talk about destructive addictions, we may become addicted to drugs and a handful of those around us may suffer to some extent, but millions suffer to feed the habit of the rogue elites. I mean how much is enough?
I mean do they really think that things will get better? It seems like we're going to have to go back to living off the land as best as we can, but before that happens many leaves will be shaken from the tree. The so called walking dead of television fame, are really what will happen, but there not walking dead, there starving people, and what's the easiest prey, that's right, "people".
There's more than a similarity between how crony capitalists carry on now and how we were before we became civilized, the alpha male was the most powerful and the rest just went along with his dictates, until someone came along and deposed him. Because our groups (circles) were limited in number and survival was more than difficult the group had to be controlled and co-operation in the hunt was a necessity. Nowadays the circles contain millions in some societies and crony capitalists have decided that they and only they must survive. The big differences are that with all the technology we have at our disposal, everyone on earth could survive in great comfort through co-operation. But today's crony capitalists have decided that they are only fit to survive, and to insure that, they have managed to control the seated governments by their wealth and power.
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