Marshall McLuhan
“Perhaps now, now when things happen at high speeds, a formal causality or pattern recognition may appear for the first time in Human History” Marshall McLuhan: "Proper proportionality for example is a mode of awareness destroyed by literacy, since the literate man insists on visual connections, where being insists on resonance”.
What is pattern recognition; it is recognizing things that happen over and over and you begin to recognize its pattern and its hidden formal cause.
Take the incidence of gang killings, which occur on a regular basis here in Toronto and all across the continent, which continue to be viewed by those who should know better, as the outcome of poor parenting, and a substandard response to life’s challenges, yada yada yada. See the Abecedarian Children’s experiment, for the real cause. Just Google it.
As long as the under-privileged only kill each other, the powers that be won’t intervene with what they know is needed to help rectify the situation! What they repeat is the same old, same old response, stiffer sentences, more Police presence, and surveillance, and the need to put an end to the revolving door syndrome in the Justice system.
Maybe legislating Human behaviour doesn’t work to the extent hoped for, especially in a society where so few, have so much and so many have so little. Apparently the 9
0% of the wealthiest continue to believe in “get as much as you can as fast as you can, “come hell or high water”, forget the poor and now even the middle class, is rapidly losing ground.
Such a disparity caused the French Revolution, with its tens of thousands of beheading and has caused many revolutions before and since. So in Canada they amend some laws and recently the Federal Government, has been trying to remove laws in the Canadian Charter of rights and Freedoms, having to do with Freedom of speech.
We all more or less know what’s right and what’s wrong but were afraid of the implied responsibility of doing the right thing; we pay lip service to truth, and pay the price. Inequality causes and intensifies polarity increases resentment, anger, hatred and the whole nine yards.
First Draft: Dec.01/09
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